December 2015 Newsletter
A Message from Rendy Taylor
If you haven’t noticed, by all the decorations and the heavy traffic, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! As the year comes to an end, let’s all be thankful for the year 2015. It hasn’t been the year that we all thought it was going to be, as in the economic boom, or lack thereof, but we held our own!
I just want to take a moment to Thank all the associates at WTI for their hard work and dedication! I know we have the best! To all of our office staff, I challenge you, to THANK each and every one of our drivers for their hard work and sacrifices they make each week by being out on the road away from their family! We love each and every one of our drivers and their families, because we all know that without them we would not be WTI!
This year has really flown by, as the old saying goes “Time flies when you are having fun.” Well in my case that part is true but there is another part to that as well, and it is “Time flies as you get older.” We all know that as we get older the Holidays at this time of the year become more and more important to us. It is a time that we get to spend enjoying our families, eating all that good food and celebrating our family traditions. Also, at this time of the year, we are drawn closer to our families and friends, especially with all the unrest and insecurities that we are experiencing in our world. Most importantly, let’s not forget the real reason for our celebrations is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
At this time, I want to wish to each of you a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! And let’s make 2016 the Best Year Ever here at WTI.
Rendy Taylor